Shapira, Yoav wrote:

Yeah, the sandbox is not the best place for something that's on the
critical path for something else's release.

The critical path is FeedParsers 1.0 release. We're just working very hard on it because we need it for work...

One suggestion: take feedparser in-house. Finish it. Ship your
product. Then submit it back, probably right into the commons proper
(not sandbox), and possibly into the incubator if you want it to be a
non-commons jakarta project. The discussion on where it should go will
take place at the time. But for now, you'll have control and can work
at your own pace.

Man... this is very difficult. Back in the day it didn't have to be so hard... commons, incubator, sandbox...

What I need is a "Apache contrib for dummies" HOWTO




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