i stumbled across the following issue, and don't know what knob to turn.

i load configs (xml) via the getConfiguration Method of
ConfigurationFactory and cast it to CombinedConfiguration.
the file i provide to the Factory is
    <xml fileName="c.xml"/-->

c.xml has something like that:
  <v type="one">
  <v type="one">
  <v type="two">
    <some>different blah</some>
    <thing>different blub</thing>

when i only include c.xml everything works fine, and i get 3 iterations
of the following for-loop:
for (int i=0;; i++){
  if(!config.containsKey("v.("+i+")[EMAIL PROTECTED]")){
and i can access all three v-nodes (and their children)

but if i include another xml-file via
    <xml fileName="c.xml"/>
    <xml fileName="c-additional.xml"/>

while c-additional.xml only holds
  <v type="something">

the first occurence of <v type="one"> node has been merged with all
other nodes that are named <v type="one">

is this inteded behaviour?
can i switch it off?
i know there is the <additional> tag for the main-condig.
but my nodes are in the same file.

any hints?
thanx in advance,

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