On 6/21/06, Mike Sparr - www.goomzee.com <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I tried

<state id="something">

<data name="foo"/>

<transition event="something" cond="${Conversation.request == '1'}">
 <assign name="foo" expr="'bar'"/>
 <send ... Namelist="foo">


Both the <log> tag and <var> tags don't seem to be working.  <assign> and
<data> are not capturing any data at all.  Context is storing Conversation
obj which is accessible throughout.




In particular, the sections on references to data and assignments. In
a nutshell, use the "name" attribute of <assign> with <var>
definitions and the "location" attribute with <data> definitions.

I looked through all your tests and don't see any <doc-name>.xml that test
out the log or EL.  In addition, your SCXMLTestHelper seems to only support


You may have just missed them, for example (for EL):


and "hello world" uses <log>, amongst other examples:


SCXMLTestHelper defaults to JEXL, but thats merely a convenience.

Suggest test of datamodel, var, assign and send.  Not sure on what has
changed but temporarily will work with old codebase.  :(


IMO, there has always been a (relatively easy) migration path for
early [scxml] users from the sandbox days and so I'd definitely like
to help here. However, since I'm traveling, please do me a favor and
write the smallest possible test case that does not work, and file a
ticket in JIRA (along with a brief explanation of why you think the
test should work, if that isn't obvious):





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