On 18 Jan 2004, at 22:26, Simon Kitching wrote:
On Mon, 2004-01-19 at 11:14, robert burrell donkin wrote:
On 18 Jan 2004, at 22:00, Simon Kitching wrote:
On Sat, 2004-01-17 at 23:58, robert burrell donkin wrote:
the RSS 0.91 is really just an example but many people find it a very
useful one. creating digestions for RSS 1.0 and/or RSS 2.0 isn't
an itch i have but i suspect that if you were to create one and donate
it to the ASF then there are probably a lot of folks who'd be

While on that topic, I would like to move the RSS stuff from the main library to the "examples" section before the next Digester release.

i agree in principle but i'm concerned about backwards compatibility. i
suppose an argument might be made that it shouldn't break compatibility
except for people using the RSS code but i'm very committed to
backwards compatibility and so i'd need a lot of persuading. i would
not support moving them if it meant moving up a major version number.

i'd be interested to hear other opinions on this.

If we keep the same package structure for the code, but just put it in
the examples dir (or a "contrib" or "extensions" dir), then users of the
RSS stuff would just need to build the RSS code as a jar and include
that extra jar in their classpath.

Would that be regarded as sufficiently backwards-compatible for a minor

see http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/versioning.html

IMHO removal of classes is an interface change and so would seem to necessitate a change of major release but there is the argument that since they are example classes, users shouldn't be relying on their presence.

IIRC craig authored most of this so hopefully he'll jump in sometime soon and give us an opinion...

- robert

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