Quoting Simon Kitching <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> On Sat, 2004-01-17 at 23:58, robert burrell donkin wrote:
> > the RSS 0.91 is really just an example but many people find it a very 
> > useful one. creating digestions for RSS 1.0 and/or RSS 2.0 isn't really 
> > an itch i have but i suspect that if you were to create one and donate 
> > it to the ASF then there are probably a lot of folks who'd be 
> > grateful...
> While on that topic, I would like to move the RSS stuff from the main
> library to the "examples" section before the next Digester release.

Defintiely +1.  But an even stronger +1 on new commons components for "pure data
beans" that represent the data of common XML document formats like RSS.  For
RSS itself, such a set of beans (which covered a reasonable attempt at a union
of all the variant formats, plus a way to plug in arbitrary extension) would be
*broadly* useful in both client and server applications that manipulate
RSS-type data, far beyond the particular scenario of parsing XML->beans (which
is what the Digester example does) and the reverse beans->XML direction (which
is what an example in Betwixt does).

> Any objection? And if not, should we bother trying to actually move the
> ",v" files within the cvs repository to preserve file history, or just
> "cvs rm" the old and add the current versions in the new location?

Attempts to maintain history in this manner (moving ,v files) does not strike me
as the right approach ... the original files will still be in the attic after
you "cvs delete" them, and the initial commit to the new directory can include
a pointer to where to review the prior history.

> I'm not sure if my access rights allow me to do the former myself...
> Regards,
> Simon


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