Henning Schmiedehausen wrote:
> Hi,
> now I know a reason:
> --- cut ---
> Hi. This is the qmail-send program at apache.org.
> I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following
> addresses.
> This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.
> <announce@apache.org>:
> Must be sent from an @apache.org address.
> --- cut ---
> This isn't nice. :-(

henning, that's a judgement made from too little information.
if you were responsible for assessing hundreds of daily messages
to that address to see which should be moderated, you would
most likely have a different opinion.  changing your return address
to an @apache.org one long enough to send a message is a lot
less strenuous for the community than allowing postings to it
from just anywhere and imposing the additional burden on the
moderators.  who are volunteers, by the way.

and now that this has been discussed on a publicly archived list,
it will probably have to made even more stringent, such as
requiring the mail be sent from your account on one of the asf
machines or something.
#ken    P-)}

Ken Coar, Sanagendamgagwedweinini  http://Golux.Com/coar/
Author, developer, opinionist      http://Apache-Server.Com/

"Millennium hand and shrimp!"

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