On Wed, 27 Aug 2003 07:50:16 -0400
(Subject: Re: No answer from announcements@jakarta.apache.org)
Rodent of Unusual Size <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> i believe you're missing the point.  the issue is not the volume of
> email, it's imposing the burden on someone *else*.  there are several
> people who are moderators for that list.  adding another moderator
> won't keep the existing ones from having to wade through all the
> spam filling their inboxes -- it will just add one more person
> with the same amount of spam in *its* inbox.


Yes, I knew. Why did not you think of "take over" instead of "add"??

Anyone can toss the tasks to the others if they feel burdens could
be enough not to handle the problems properly, as long as they
will prepare the documentations (or something) for the successors
of their tasks. (This is just my opinion, though)

There would be freedom of resignation as well as participation.
(In other words, I completely agree with your point of view
if there's no freedom of resignation)

I am willing to "take over".


I think it can be one of the "functional enhancement requests"
for the ezmlm development team.

What about:
 1. List Owner who get *all* mails for moderation
 2. Moderators who receive 1/(number_of_moderators) mails for moderation
 (not *all* the mails)

This is one of the proper "functional enhancement"s and i think it
works well.

gives you many hints and insights on "what is mailing list"
and should be.

> > Also, how about using modules for committers to explain such kind
> > of things as these above? 
> please explain.

"committers" module can be used to store these kinds of information,
I think.
("See 'committers' module", instead of "<announce@apache.org>:
Must be sent from an @apache.org address." in bounced mail)

> i don't think it's really subject to vote here.  if anywhere,
> it would be the moderators and the infrastructure people.  and
> my point is that now this is a publicly known algorithm, spammers
> may spoof mail as coming from @apache.org in order to get into
> the moderation queue.

I think there would be much nicer approaching method to solve
the problem, but I am afraid there could be *security* concerns.
I'll talk about this at other mailing lists (non-open ML).

Tetsuya Kitahata --  Terra-International, Inc.

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