2008-08-09 klockan 20:02 -0700, steve:
> If you want a ready to use phone you can always download the Qtopia
> distrubtion onto your freerunner and get
> A perfectly great ready to use phone. Then you can wait while 2008.8 matures
> and then download it when
> It is end user ready.

I agree but think you're doing it wrong.

Look at the actual text at
http://us.direct.openmoko.com/products/neo-freerunner - you really
should ship with Qtopia or emphasize that there's a lot of work to be
done to be able to use the phone reliably.

Two out of four links on the start page doesn't mention that the phone
isn't ready for the average phone user. ABC7 mentions that this phone is
more suitable to programmers, Boing boing's third comment says that the
software isn't mature.

I can't and won't argue with anyone being mad about the phone not
meeting their expectations - I believe OpenMoko's official web site does
a pretty good job on bringing those false expectations to potential

Until the OM team fixes this, I'll quietly stand by while people
complain about this wonderful product (I love it, I knew what I bought
but that wasn't based on information from openmoko.com).

/ Fredrik Wendt,  a happy customer

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