Sat, 9 Aug 2008 21:02:33 -0400
Jeff Davis basically said that it's wrong to ask people to buy another
phone if they're unhappy with the FreeRunner, no matter if they used bad
language, weren't constructive in any way:

> [snip]

In part (or principle) I agree to what you're saying. I started writing
a response mostly saying that one needs to have realistic expectations,
and that media, news and the blogosphere isn't that reliable - which
seems to be very true in this particular case.

However, all of what I base my point of view on is that you need to get
information as close to the source as possible (to be able to get
realistic expectations - otherwise you haven't made your homework and
you can't blame someone else for that), and there's one fundamental
issue here:

The web shop doesn't state that the phone isn't ready for prime time

This is bad. So bad that I'll just appologize and agree that I should
start spamming OM until they fix this. Obviously the confusions it makes
draws energy away from the goals - freeing phones.


        Fredrik Wendt

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