Let's say there is a community gardener who is also an entrepreneur
that runs a food/nutrition related business. This person naturally wants to
share information about their business and classes they offer with the other
gardeners. Should the garden coordinator circulate this information for the
entreprenuer? Or should this person send it out themself? Is this even

--- In our case this rural garden is managed by a parttime coordinator who
plans meetings and sends out all garden related information. Through our
project we're trying to help participants increase their knowledge of
nutrition, so this information about food/nutrition classes is very relevant
and useful from our perspective.  But I also want to be careful about not
promoting specific interests/businesses. ---

Lisa Poser
CYFAR Community Garden Project Coordinator
Extension Associate
NC Cooperative Extension
NC A&T State University
PO Box 21928
Greensboro, NC  27420
336.285.4622 (phone)
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