
This is a great idea.  We were not able to represent Orange Blossom Community 
Garden at the conference this year due to financial and time restrictions and 
would love for someone to share highlights so that we don't miss out entirely.

For those of you who use the listserv and have never attended a conference, I 
would encourage you to start planning now for next year.

Barbara Powell Harris
Orange Blossom Community Garden
Sarasota, FL

-----Original Message-----
From: Margaret Shields <>
To: community_garden <>
Sent: Thu, Aug 25, 2011 2:13 pm
Subject: [Community_garden] recap of conference for e-newsletter--contributions 

Hi everyone!
We were bummed to not be able to send a representative of Gardening Matters
o the recent ACGA conference in NYC. I hope all that went had an awesome
ime and are settling back in at home with their knew-found knowledge.
I know TONS of information was gleaned, preserved, and grown..and I was
oping that someone might be willing to share a short recap of their
xperience at the conference for our monthly e-newsletter. This would have
he multi-advantage of promoting the ACGA listserv and conference, and
romoting dialogue and sharing between gardeners not just within MN (as our
rganization aims to do), but across the country! A general reflection about
hy you went, what you gained, what you learned, topics covered, what the
enefit of such a gathering is, etc.. would all be appropriate topics.
Please reply directly to me at if you'd be
illing to share your experiences with our readership! Pictures would be a
elcome and added bonus! We would need the article by next Wednesday August
Thanks in advance!

argaret Shields
ducation and Outreach Coordinator
ardening Matters
Check out photos of community
he Twin Cities from Community Garden Day 2011!
Join Gardening Matters at Summit Brewery on Thursday September 29th, 2011
rom 6-9pm for a six-course local feast, music, and (of course) fantastic
eer! Click here for details and tickets. **

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