Salam Fathia,

Thank you kindly for your e-mail. I am afraid that I am not an expert on
translation, so I am not the best person to advise you on this. I have
forwarded your e-mail to the comp-quran mailing list, you may get an answer
from there, although you will probably have more luck asking your University
supervisor. Which University are you at?

Best of luck.


-- Kais

From: Fathia Refky[ <>]
Sent: Monday, May 24, 2010 1:38:21 PM
To: Kais Dukes
Subject: Inquiry about
Auto forwarded by a Rule

Dear all,
Thanks very much for this splendid website and your perseverance . It is
actually a great attempt. I have a university course entitled "comparative
translation" which focuses mainly on comparing the different translations of
the meanings of the Holy Qur'an. For instance we are required to make a
comparative and contrastive analysis of three translations of "Surat
Al-Ikhlas - الإخلاص". Can you help me know the procedures or steps of such
analysis. I am reading books for Nida, Newmark, Basil Hatim and Susan
Busnett on translation techniques, can you advise me how i can best use them
in this respect.
Thanks very much in advance.

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