At 09:27 AM 1/22/2007, you wrote:
Don believes there is probably no difference and states a rule: doubling thinking time = linear improvement in play.

i agree with this over some small range of powers of two.

..., as breaking the game into regions and doing local reading and global analysis reduces the complexity somewhat, but in general go explodes a lot faster than chess ...

... I can say that I don’t feel overwhelmed when playing chess.   ...
Now with Go as a beginner still, on the other hand, I almost always felt and still feel quite overwhelmed ...

yes, i usually feel this way in tournament games. and again more time will help (for some small powers of 2).

i think more time works better because go has more battles going on at the same time.

... The interactions between areas and the explosion of the game and lack of experience to be able to “sense” good shape and proper balance early enough to lead to life and territory just simply overwhelms me. The feeling is not as severe as it was when I first learned, but it is still there. I wonder whether even for strong amateurs this is still the case, but just happens a bit deeper. Is this the time limit that Ray talks about where any more time is not helpful? ...

if you are analyzing one battle, maybe more powers of two. if it's many battles, maybe fewer powers of two as you will hit your mental limit sooner.



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