Matt Gokey wrote:

I was trying to compare a different relationship related to the branching factor and other characteristics of Go to capacity of human logical reasoning and thinking. The idea being to suggest a possible explanation for why Go may be qualitatively different than Chess in this regard.

So I'll attempt to put the relationship I was trying to describe with words into a mathematical model and then further describe my thought process.

Let b = branching factor
Let f = Effective avg. pruning factor(0-1), thus b*f is an effective avg branching factor
Let t = length of thinking time
Let p = maximum ply or depth under consideration
Let n = avg. number of positions a player can effectively evaluate in one unit of time (either explicitly or otherwise using whatever reading/learning/patterns/etc. to his avail)

Both f and n can be considered idealized measures of skill and ability of the player.

Let r = rough approximation (as this is a simplification/idealization) of the ratio of coverage of the game tree to depth p and defined as:

r(b,f,t,p,n) = n*t/(b*f)^p for all n*t<=(b*f)^p, otherwise r=1.0

Obviously if you double the time and keep the depth constant the ratio of coverage goes up in a linear relationship for all b. But as time is increased, p is increasing presumably. Now the graph of r is not linear and higher b results in a faster rate of decline. Now I understand that this doesn't necessarily have anything to do with strength ratings.

So that is some background for the concept. Bear with me if this borders on the obvious for a while. So we all know that Go evaluation is very hard (for computers, but also for humans). You can't prune if you can't evaluate in some sense however (not with certainty anyway). You can't evaluate without understanding shapes/life and/or reading.

In chess these things are arguably quite a bit simpler. So with chess with a much smaller starting branching factor and simpler more left-brain devices for pruning and evaluating the cost/benefit of looking deeper tends to have reasonable payback at relatively large depths.

Contrast with Go, starting with a much higher branching factor and lacking left brain (logical/reasoning) methods for pruning and evaluating, depth tends to create more confusion and quickly exceeds the brain's ability to keep track of exploding variations. However, as you learn from experience you can recognize patterns for the different concepts and balance with analysis to effectively prune and evaluate position potential and group interaction and then you can go deeper with some confidence level in your understanding of the status of the game. Learning these skills while thinking about a particular game's next move is not generally practical and even if possible would presumably require enormous extra time. Yet without this ability you are left with a massively rapid expanding game tree to search. Finally this is why I think it may be the case that doubling human thinking time for Go might not produce linear improvements.

Let me expand on this. Perhaps due to the nature of Go and
the human style learning needed to judge some moves and positions to be
advantageous many (like 20-60+) stones out with possible interplay between groups (a tree which cannot possibly be read excluding ladders), ranking gained by experience and training our super massively parallel pattern matching system out paces time doubling based improvements. So for a hypothetical example only, let's say for a player with an arbitrarily chosen rating of 1000, a time doubling from 30 minutes to 1 hour per game increases strength by 100 points. Another time doubling may only increase by 75 points and another by 40 and then another by 20. For a player with a different rating a doubling might increase by 200, then 150, then 90. Maybe its not a predictable curve even - maybe there are plateaus or steps or hills and valleys. That's the thought - due to the nature of go the increases might not be linear nor consistent between players of different strengths. I hesitate to venture what others believe, but it seems based on Ray's and Mark's and others' posts that there is a gut feeling amoung go players that this may be the case. Perhaps they care to comment further.

And again I feel I have to repeat that I am not and was not
characterizing computer-go engines.  In computer-go where there are so
many wildly different techniques being used, some scalable to some
degree or another and some not, it doesn't make sense to make
generalizations.  Whether a specific program's scalability results in
any improvements linear or otherwise with time-doubling depends entirely
on the algorithms and techniques in use.

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