Taking a look at computer go documentation, I see that there are (at least) three pages that exist in wiki format for top level "computer go" wiki pages-

wikipedia.org - computer go
sensei - computer go
sensei - computer go programming

It seems obvious that these are redundant. It seems prudent to combine them in one location. Which location? I am thinking that wikipedia would be the main page. The other two (sensei pages) would temporarily just get a big heading on top saying "THIS PAGE IS FOR HISTORICAL REFERENCE ONLY. OFFICIAL WIKI COMPUTER GO PAGE IS AT WIKIPEDIA.ORG. FOLLOW THIS LINK."

On a related note, should *any* computer go documentation be at sensei?
Maybe everything other than the main page? Or maybe everything in computer go should be moved to wikipedia?

At the very least, we ought to make prominent notes on the wikipedia and sensei pages of the existence of the other.

Any opinions?

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