On Sun, 2007-04-08 at 09:56 +0200, Chrilly wrote:
> Is it just enough to make a 2 million playouts version 
> to beat the top-Dans in 9x9?  Is it that easy? 

Of course the ELO numbers are arbitrary.  I assigned GnuGo 3.7.9
a level of 2000 but on CGOS it is 1800.    But CGOS numbers are
arbitrary too.   If you can estimate the ELO rating of GnuGo 3.7.9
compared to say a 1 Dan player,  then you can estimate the
winning percentages of any version against a human of a given

Mogo of course is about 200-300 higher at the same levels.  So
I believe that if special purpose hardware could bump MoGo up
a few times faster, you would really would have a professional
strength 9x9 player.

It might be easier to do this with a lite play-out version if
you can get substantially more speed, say 4X faster due to
the much simpler move logic.   I don't know hardware, but it
could be easier (more opportunities for parallelism to do it
with a heavy version.)  

- Don

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