Yes, that sounds reasonable too.

In thinking about optimization, the rule as always is "keep the common case fast". The cases in UCT Go, in decreasing order of commonness, are:

1) Play a move in an MC playout
2) Play a UCT tree move
3) Start (or finish) a playout
4) Make (or accept) a move in the actual game
5) Initialize data structures and the beginning of the game

1 has to be blazingly fast. 2-3 have to be relatively fast. 4-5 don't matter much unless you're spending an outrageous amount of time on them.

Also note that almost all UCT moves are played from nodes with very few children (often 0 or 1).

Peter Drake

On May 18, 2007, at 9:15 AM, John Tromp wrote:

On 5/18/07, Peter Drake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
It took me a long time to get around my mental block and accept the advice of everyone here, but your intuition is correct: superko is so rare, and so
expensive to detect, that you should NOT check for it on every move.

In dimwit, we check for superko while descending the UCT tree,
and only check basic ko in the MC playouts. Our check involves
a single lookup (of the current, incrementally computed Zobrist key)
in a hash_map of previous Zobrist keys, which is not all that expensive.
I agree that doing superko checks in MC playouts would cause an
unnecesary slowdown.

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