
The only thing that is "fast enough" is some fixed algorithm that tends
to be boring.    The whole reason for Moore's Law is that few people
think their computers are fast enough.    They will NEVER be fast enough
and we will always want our computers to be faster because they clearly
can do more when they are faster.  

This by itself refutes everything you said.  

It's true that some things are good enough even on the computer you had
20 years ago.   I don't know about you,  but I don't really care about
that.      If you don't care to have a stronger GO program,  then you
can be perfectly satisfied with non-scalable GO programs even though
they are limited and cannot be improved.

And just because one might be perfectly happy to be a few years behind,
doesn't mean someone else should be too.    Programming in C is like
being about 1.5 years ahead when it comes to playing strength in a go
program.     If you want to wait a year and half,  more power to you.

And I have no idea what you mean by "brute force."     That way of
writing go and chess programs died decades ago,  nobody writes brute
force go (or chess) programs that I know of.

>From the context of your email,  you seem very convinced, almost
contemptuous of the idea that a computer program should require more
than some fixed amount of computational resources.     Since computer go
is not solved,  it seems like a trivial conclusion that it will require
MORE computational resources than we have available right now.    What
basis do you have for thinking otherwise?   Do you believe GO is not NP
hard or that there is some intrinsic reason that a properly programmed
computer would not benefit from more resources?    

I have more comments below:

Dave Dyer wrote:
> I disagree with almost everything Donn wrote.
> Thanks to Moore's law, it is somewhere between unusual and rare for
> the execution "speed penalty" of the language to matter, and if it
> matters today (some but not all languages are fast enough), it won't
> matter when the program is finished. 
Huh?    When the program is finished,  there will be faster computers.  
I understand that.   But I think you overlooked the very trivial point
that if you had coded in C,   the program will STILL be stronger (on
this new hardware) than if it was programmed in Ruby.

> Thought experiment: 5 years ago, C was "fast enough" but java with
> a 50% speed penalty was "too slow", then today both are "fast enough".
C is still not fast enough, and thus Java will never be.   This is
moving target, not a fixed target.   If it's a fixed target and you
don't care about advanced programs (just static fixed algorithms) then
you are right.

> Note that /some/ programs will always be too slow, so the speed of
> the program also doesn't matter.  A brute force Go program will never
> be fast enough in any language on any computer.
Exactly!    That's is exactly the point.   There are a few programs that
don't care how fast the computer is, but those are mostly boring
programs that we don't care so much about.     Text editors for instance
run just fine on old computers.   We don't need Moore's Law for those

> ---
> For most other programs what matters is the time to develop the program,
> not the execution speed once developed. That said, current monte carlo
> programs are in the zone where speed does matter.
I suspect that what matters to most people is the final playing strength
of the program.    You don't seem to care about this and so you
probably  optimize for development time.     In such a case, if your
goal is to minimize the amount of time you spend typing in the program
(and getting it right),  and you don't care how strong it is,  then you
are completely correct.

However, for me the coding time is very small even though the
development time is large.   I spend more time thinking about the
program than coding it,  and I spend a great deal of time waiting on the
computer,  because I have no clue what will work and I must test it.   
I can't just furiously type in code.    It would be ridiculous for me to
optimize for the coding case where I spend the least amount of time.   
By using C, I optimize the case where most of the time is spent.

> There are cases where the intrinsic features of a language make
> a huge difference to a particular strategy, but most modern languages
> have very similar feature sets, and it's not too likely that unusual
> language features are a big advantage.
Agreed.   In fact, there is no strong argument for high level languages
due to this in my opinion although there are some benefits.   I don't
deny the benefits, but I consider them outweighed by common sense.

> Overwhelmingly, two factors govern productivity for something like
> go programming.
> (1) the quality of the development environment.
> (2) the availability of suitable libraries which contain debugged
> code that will be useful.
Yes, C is very strong in the second case and although it's not
personally my main concern, it's definitely a benefit.

The quality of the development environment definitely makes a difference
in the coding speed.   GCC in linux is not very strong here, but it's
certainly adequate.     I have never felt the need to use one of the
IDE's - perhaps I should.

You see to have very old-fashioned ideas about the whole programming
philosophy.    You take the view that a project like go is a fixed
static "task" and that you must optimize the programmers time in typing
in code.     And then you are "done."    And since it takes many man
hours, it doesn't matter if it takes 10 seconds to find a move instead
of 1.    After all, waiting an extra 9 seconds is nothing compared to
the hundreds of hours programming this task.    Or you can wait 5 years
and that 9 seconds is now 1 second.     

This model might be reasonable in a corporate environment where you have
different priorities, but the whole POINT of a GO program is to make it
as strong as possible.     It's like a man who restores old cars - his
goal isn't to minimize the labor,  it's a hobby for him and he isn't
about the quantity, he is about the quality.    He wants the car to be
wonderful when he is done and will spare no reasonable expense.       
However, if you had a shop where you did this for profit,  you would
count every cost and take the shortcuts.   You would maximize your
profits,  do things with machines instead of your hands and so on.  

Writing scalable go programs that have any chance of being competitive
requires you to NOT tie your hands behind your back.  You will
(unfortunately) need a fast computer and you will need to program in C
or assembler.    I don't like this any more than you do, but it's a cold
harsh reality.      Pretending that it will suddenly be competitive in a
few years (when computers get faster) is pure nonsense,   the other
programs will benefit too and thus you will NEVER catch up,  even if
your algorithm is just as good.     

If your algorithm is actually BETTER, then you will STILL benefit from a
faster computer in 18 months.   At some point you will STILL be forced
to upgrade your computer if you want to remain competitive.  

The goal isn't necessarily to be competitive,  it may simply be to have
the strongest program you can make.    In this case, the arguments are
all the same.    Make your algorithms smarter, and it will get
stronger.   Get a faster computer and it will get stronger.   Do either
one and your program will be stronger,  but do both and it will be a lot

Go ahead and try it.   Write a non-scalable program, use the slowest
language you want to and run it on a 10 year old computer.   It
shouldn't matter what the final program runs on because if it runs good
on the 10 year old computer you won't need a newer computer.   

- Don

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