> Arguments about the quality of compiler optimizations vs. hand coding 
> are pointless, because programmers optimize programs in ways that compilers 
> are (correctly) forbidden to do; by changing the algorithm.
> For example, if I happen to know "x" will always be an  integer
> from 0 to 359, I can replace sin(x) with a table lookup.  No compiler
> can ever do that, even if I include assert(x>=0 && x<360) in the code
> somewhere (which would be a good idea even if I "know" it).

Unless the assert is part of the language, such as in Eiffel and other
languages with contracts. (Though I'm not aware of any language that
uses contracts in the optimization stage.)

I tried (not hard enough, and failed) to push for design-by-contract
extensions into C++ TR2, and even the author of the proposal seemed
surprised when I said better optimization was a key feature: it seems
everybody sees design by contract as all about safety. But it is about
describing the problem more accurately to the computer so that it can
not just find more bugs at compile-time but also so it can generate
better code at compile-time.


Darren Cook
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