Getting back to the CL vs. Scheme question, I think starting with
Scheme is a perfectly reasonable choice as it is much more
student-friedy (as long as you don't look at continuations too soon).
Personally, I now prefer CL because of the multiple namespaces for
different things (I can have a variable, a function and a class od the
same name without any trouble) and the "dirty" macros I'm more
comformable with (maybe just because I'm used to it, many people
prefer Scheme for the same thing).
But anyways, once you're familiar with lispy languages it'll be very
easy to change anyways, so you shouldn't really worry much about
starting with the "right one". Also, a discussion comparing CL to
Scheme or maybe even Haskell, OCaML or F# is rather pointless, as all
of these language give you so much more abstraction and flexibility
compared to the C-family (including Java) that their differences
should not really matter..

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