On Wed, Jan 23, 2008 at 11:18:37AM +0100, Magnus Persson wrote:
> Indeed, Valkyria, uses the same code to prune move in both the  
> playouts and in the UCT-tree. This pruning is supposed to be 100% safe  
> and applies to really bad and ugly moves. 

But you still prune moves like filling a one-point eye. We know that there is
a pthological case where that indeed is a correct move. So Valkyria will
never converge to perfect play even with unlimited CPU power.

> But it is really hard to do  this right and I still find a lot of bugs of
> this kind. There is an  advantage of using the same code in the UCT-part
> because when I watch  the program play I can see mistakes in pruning which
> otherwise only  would be unseen in the playouts.

That is a valid point. Not to the theoretical discussion, but in practical
everyday life!


Heikki Levanto   "In Murphy We Turst"     heikki (at) lsd (dot) dk

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