Am 17.06.2008, 20:37 Uhr, schrieb Zach Wegner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 4:42 PM, WSK <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

program oh_iam_sooo_quick_and_dirty;

       set_randomseed(); //sic! :)
       color = black;
if("pass" == play_random_move(color); // pass only if there are NO VALID moves on board anymore!
               black_pass = true;
       else {
               set_move_to_tree(tree); //more complicated!!!
          black_pass = false;
          color = white;
if("pass" == play_random_move(color); // pass only if there are NO VALID moves on board anymore!
               white_pass = true;
       else {
               set_move_to_tree(tree); //more complicated!!!
                  white_pass = false;
       while(((white_pass && black_pass ) == true) || tree_deep == 1000)
while(time <= 10 sec)
program ends;

A few small errors I see:

1. It should be while (pass < 2)
2. It should be while (time < 10 sec)
3. The way you do it only detects the end of the game when white
passes, then black passes. If black passes and then white does, it
won't catch it.
4. Black plays before white

1.+2.: Yes, its cleaner ;)

3. Oh! Youre right, thanks! Hope it works now.

4. Not a bug a feature! :) Because the first input would be black. But
for transparency I edit it.

Comments are welcome! (RFC if you want, lol)


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