Erik van der Werf wrote:
> ...
> Optimal play on 6x6 under Chinese rules is expected 
> to give a Black win by 4 points.

I want to lay open, why my expectation for
6x6-Go under Chinese rules is +2 for Black.

With Leela, I played two games (or game fragments)
in analysis mode, starting the machine from fresh
in each situation, and stopping analysis after
500,000 nodes.

Game 1: 
Whenever it was Black's turn, komi was set to 3.5 .
Whenever it was White's turn, komi was set to 4.5 .
The numbers in brackets are the win percentages, as
shown by Leela after 500,000 nodes.
1.c3 (39.9)  2.d4 (73.7)
3.c4 (46.0)  4.d3 (77.0)
5.d5 (55.3)  6.e5 (85.6)
7.d2 (42.0)  8.e2 (91.8)
9.e4 (24.5) 10.e3 (96.1)
Resigned on behalf of Black.

Game 2: 
Whenever it was Black's turn, komi was set to 1.5 .
Whenever it was White's turn, komi was set to 2.5 .
The numbers in brackets are the win percentages, as
shown by Leela after 500,000 nodes.
 1.c3 (71.5)  2.d4 (55.5)
 3.d3 (75.4)  4.c4 (60.2)
 5.b3 (64.1)  6.e3 (74.5)
 7.e2 (59.2)  8.e4 (68.2)
 9.b5 (58.9) 10.b4 (73.3)
11.a4 (53.3) 12.a5 (73.6)
13.a3 (65.2) 14.c5 (72.6)
15.a6 (77.1) 16.f2 (81.6)
17.e1 (81.7) 18.c6 (76.6)
19.a5 (81.4) 20.e5 (94.3)
21.c1 (98.6)
So, both sides are optimistic to reach their respecitve goals.

Conclusion: From the viewpoint of Leela (at 500,000 nodes),
komi=2.0 is in the "habitable zone" for the
the starting position of 6x6-Go, whereas komi=4.0 is not.

When instead fair komi would be 4, each of the games above
should contain errors.

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