The program was RexChess and it goes back several decades.   We only
sold a few thousands copies and it wasn't copy protected.   

In Europe we sold something like 40 copies,  probably mostly in Germany
but I can only guess.   

In computer chess tournaments I constantly had people come up to me with
praise for Rexchess.  These were mostly people from Germany or the
Netherlands.   Admittedly they were fans of chess programs, this being a
chess tournament.   But some reported that they had many friends who had
copies of the chess program and I got information from them that you
could get a copy for free.    The program had no copy protection, those
were my naive days when I expected people would see the product and buy
it if they wanted it.

It's hard for me to believe that I had been exposed to most of the  40
people who had bought a copy.   That seems incredibly unlikely.   It's
not difficult to believe that I was exposed to 2 or 3 of them.

A few years later I was pointed to a site where I could download that
and just about any commercial chess program.    We are talking several
decades ago,  I didn't bookmark the site or use it myself and I have no
idea if it's still there.

It's not uncommon,  there are sites out there where you can get almost
any piece of commercial software you want for free.    I don't use them
because I believe it is wrong.   

I'm not sticking up for capitalism here either.   I think you have to
play by the rules that are set up even if you don't agree with them
unless they are blatantly immoral.  Deep down inside I believe software
should be free,  but please let's not get into a philosophical
discussion on this here.

That's all the information I have on this.   I have no hard proof of any
kind.   I didn't even really oppose it,  but I'm making a note that I
believe it happened.   

- Don

On Sat, 2008-11-22 at 07:23 +0100, "Ingo Althöfer" wrote:
> Dear Don,
> sorry to step in here, but I can't believe what you
> write. So I would like to know some facts.
> > My first chess program only sold a few copies in Europe.  
> What was the name of your program?
> In which year was it published?
> For what platform had it been?
> > But I came to find out that thousands of people had a copy of it.   
> To which countries of Europe were your contacts?
> (Europe is NOT one big uniform block...)
> > I met many people in Europe who said they had a copy and 
> > many of their friends did.
> I was a very active chess software use for many years.
> I never had heard that you had written some commercial
> program. (I only know about Star Socrates - where you were
> involved - and which was runner-up in the 1995 World
> Championships.)
> > Someone pointed me a site where you could download it for free.
> Which was that site?
> Ingo, European without pirated software.

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