
A CGOS equivalent for Hex would probably be good to have. But since the CGOS server software is open-source you can easily adapt it.
GTP you can simply use as-is, I don't see why that wouldn't work.
GoGui is also open-source and can possibly also be easily adapted to Hex as well. But to be honest, I don't really need a Gui that much. But twogtp is really useful. A KGS equivalent will only come into existence if there are actually enough people playing the game.

You say you're going to try to make a prototype first and then when it shows promise, move to a more flexible language like Java. What language are you intending to use? It seems the wrong way around to me. Develop the prototype in a flexible language and when it seems to work, move it to a specific langauge that can leverage some specific CPU features. Seems to make much more sense to me.

If you want to save even more time, you can consider using my CGOS client and plugin framework. Most of it can probably be used as is.

Good luck.


On 27-nov-08, at 07:52, Denis fidaali wrote:

I have put a lot of though in that Hex bot stuff. I realize now how eager i am to try my ideas with an Hex bot. It's been a long time since i first realize how much more elegant it would be to try those ideas for the Hex game anyway. Your site seems a great source of interest for that game. When i tried to find out a community for Hex-computer, i stumbled upon it. But what really lacks (or i wasn't able to find anyway) is a strong community like there is for go.

 A CGOS equivalent.
 A GTP equivalent.
 A Gogui equivalent.
 A Kgs equivalent.

That made it hard for me to settle for putting on the hex bot a lot of work. But as i said, it seems so much more reasonable to me, to first try my ideas with Hex, rather than with go. It seems that Montecarlo is as sound for Hex as it is for go. Given that some of the good-playing programs are montecarlo ones; Although it seems the strongest one is not. So what i will do, is to make up a prototype, that suit my goals : assembly 64 bits montecarlo prototype, with all the tricks i want to try in it. I then will provide a Java gui, for Playing against One instance of the bot when there is an Hardware online willing to support it. I will use a protocol that seems promising, or make up a new one from scratch, if nothing hits me as being standard. It would be logical to use the same protocol that the Computer Games Olympiad uses. But i wasn't able to figure out where to find it.

So if all goes well, i should have a prototype available for trying punctually through a java Applet by the end of January 2009. If this prototype shows promises, then i might try to port it to a more flexible langage (like Java). The name of the prototype will be Stohex.

> Date: Wed, 26 Nov 2008 13:56:19 -0800
> To:
> Subject: [computer-go] Re: hex robot
> At 01:31 PM 11/26/2008, Denis fidaali wrote:
> >Speaking of hex ... I really think it would be a nice intermediary game before tackling the complexity of go. Do you know of any good community (and protocol equivalent to GTP) where i could start to look for submitting a bot ?
> There are a couple of pretty decent programs and some nice underlying
> theory. Also a perfect play bot for a small board. I would start
> at the Hex wiki page to research them.
> A credible Hex bot is on my wish list for Boardspace. The one I wrote > is laughably weak, but it will be a significant effort to write a better
> one. If you're willing to work in Java and within the constraints of
> a realtime web site, lets talk.
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