I appreciate that Go programs are complex and not easy to tune.

Thinking over Magnus' excellent automated method ( play many games, allow early 
resignation, inspect long games ), and my own experiences, I'd like to suggest 
an additional method: when a game ends with a large loss, determine 
retroactively a) how far back the program was doomed but deluded about the 
outcome, and b) what the correct earlier plays would have been. Tune and test 
with a regression suite of difficult positions. This is like troubleshooting 
any other large and complex program; a subtle error in one portion may only 
reveal itself when a "perfect storm" of circumstances arises - but the bug is 
there all the time.

As Magnus and Valkyria pointed out, proper play at an earlier point in my 
example game would have destroyed Black's position. I don't feel so proud now, 

At my level of play, it is distressingly common to mis-read capturing races -- 
it's possible that a good understanding of that topic would improve Go 
programs. The difficulty cannot be understated - others have indicated that 
Hunter's Counting Liberties and Winning Capturing Races book, valuable as it 
may be, misses some cases. As Hunter observes, even dan-level players sometimes 
make mistakes in capturing races.

Programs which get semeai and seki right every time might be a few stones 
stronger. They'd certainly be more valuable as teaching tools. In the game 
above, a stronger program would have exploited my earlier weakness; this would 
have encouraged me to make better moves.

Back to "Roadmap: 2020", I'd love a "status map" showing groups which are 
certainly alive, groups which are unstable, and groups which are certainly dead 
( assuming proper play ). That would be quite a feedback tool. When an approach 
move or throw-in threatens the status of a group, the group marker would change 
from green to blinking yellow. When the attack succeeds, the group marker would 
change to red. To be useful, this tool would have to be accurate. If not 100% 
accurate, it should at least give some indication of its level of confidence. 
Even better, especially for double-digit-kyu players, would be an exposition of 
why a group is live, dead, seki, unstable, etc. 

Terry McIntyre <terrymcint...@yahoo.com>

"Government is an association of men who do violence to the rest of us."
- Leo Tolstoy

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