In my humble opinion, we need a change in the algorithm. The numbers are
misleading - 95% of win of
MoGo on 32 nodes against MoGo on 1 node (this is a real number for 19x19)
certainly means that the
parallel version is stronger than the sequential version, but not "much"
better, far less than what suggests
this 95%. MCTS algorithms adapt the beginning of simulations only, and for
many cases we have to deal
with predictions on the end of simulations: something like "if the opponent
plays X, I'll reply Y". The bias
on semeais is, in my humble opinion, equivalent to this fact that we learn
only the beginning of the simulations
(the tree part) and not the end.

I don't know if the good word is to say that it's a wall or a mountain, but
I think the idea is that we need
something really different - perhaps heavy playouts that solve some tactical
elements, or perhaps
some statistical trick for modifying the playouts depending on the
simulations - I'd like to solve this with
supervised learning like "when I reply X to move Y then I win with higher
probability". It would be a nice
solution, efficient beyond the game of Go.

Well, as I've spent a lot of time on this idea without finding an
implementation which works better than the
baseline, perhaps my ideas are not very interesting :-)

Regarding Moore's Law, I'd love to hear the Mogo team's perspective on this;
> they have probably had more opportunity to test their algorithms extensively
> on big-n-count computers than any of us.
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