There has been quite a few descriptions on this forum about how people do

I am guessing, but I think most of the authors allocate a pool of memory and
manage this themselves.    Are you writing in C?

In C you can declare a fixed size record (called a struct)  and just make an
array of them.    This is what my program does.   When I need new nodes I
just use the next ones available and a counter keeps track of where I am.

It's a little more complicated if you also need to remove nodes.  I don't do
this.   When a new search begins I can just start over again.

I think there are a lot of variations of what people do.    Perhaps a better
way is to use a hash table instead of a tree.   It's still a tree of course
but structured different.   With a hash table a zobrist key is used to index
into a hash table.   So you can build your tree this way,  again using a
fixed pool of nodes or whatever hash table method you need to.    One
advantage of a hash table is that with transpositions you can resuse
information that has already been computed - but one disadvantage is that
you have to deal with Graph History Interaction (GHI.)     I think most
program ignore GHI for the most part (in a similar way that computer chess
programmers ignore the problem) but I'm not real sure on this one.

You can also use malloc and free to allocate space for nodes - but it is
well known that this can be challenging for writing bug free programs.   I
have found that you can almost always avoid it and I personally only use it
for top level data structures - for instance I might allocate my initial
fixed pool of nodes this way (and so it can be user configurable)  but I
won't allocate and free individual nodes.

Also, if you use malloc and free you will surely see a slowdown.

Another option is to use the Hans Boehm garbage collector, a library you
simple link to in your C programs.    It will do the automated garbage
collection for you - but I think you will see a slowdown and I think there
is a memory overhead penality for using this as it probably needs working

- Don

On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 11:06 AM, Carter Cheng <>wrote:

> This is something I have been curious about since I am somewhat new to
> writing code in languages which require explicit memory management (as
> opposed to have some sort of garbage collector do it for you). The question
> is how do most programs manage memory w.r.t. the search nodes? Is the memory
> preallocated in advance or is there some strategy to grow the space required
> as the nodes accumulate during a search?
> Thanks in advance,
> Carter.
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