On Wed, Jan 14, 2015 at 09:25:28AM +0100, Marc Landgraf wrote:
> I'm not convinced about that concept, tbh.
> People put a lot of work to optimize their bots, include GPU usage and
> figure out, how to use Pondering the best way. And then you want those
> programmers to remove those features and put work into making their bots
> run on your system, just to "level the playing field".

I don't think you're being that fair to Chris.  He has his own goals
for a service he wants to provide, which isn't primarly a CGOS
replacement, and is perfectly fine for the purposes he wants.  And it's
fine to suggest that maybe something like this could work as a CGOS
substitute, even though in the discussion it's turning out that probably
that's not the case.

(Still, I'd love to read about the results in a mini-tournament between
the bots, if possible multiple tounrmanets with different resource
limits.  And I'm now excited about possibly reusing the baduk.io's
Docker infrastructure for the EGC2015 Computer Go tournament I'm
planning, where bots will run on equal hardware too - it'd make the
logistics quite easier for many competitors.)

> 2015-01-14 3:04 GMT+01:00 Chris LaRose <cjlar...@gmail.com>:
> > Also, bots that aren't currently playing a game can be
> > terminated and won't consume resources. Starting and stopping containers is
> > so fast that I can afford to only start bots immediately after its opponent
> > plays, request a single move, and terminate it.

Note that while this is fine for GNUGo, it may not be for some of the
more advanced bots:

* Initialization time may be non-trivial.  If you use Pachi with the
patterns database (which is extremely recommended), it takes a few
seconds to load.

* You lose not just pondering (which might be unreasonable to do with
a web service), but also previous game tree state that the engine might
want to reuse across moves.

If I was stopping engines mid-game to conserve resources, I'd do this
only about some period of inactivity (be it 15s or 120s).

                                Petr Baudis
        If you do not work on an important problem, it's unlikely
        you'll do important work.  -- R. Hamming
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