Hi Erik,

> The most important skill in this game might be in how accurately 
> you can throw your frisbee. Why take that out? 
> Build real robots!

agreed, but one step after the other.

My tentative time table looks like follows (joking):

2016  Frisbee Go simulation in the Computer Olympiad (in Leiden)
2017  Frisbee Go simulations in the Computer Olympiad (with subdivisions for 
different move distributions)
2022  First Robot Competition (7x7 Go) of Frisbee Go in the Computer Olympiad
2025  Renaming the ICGA to IC(G+R)A: we should also host Robot table tennis and 
other games


Back to reality (no joke): Some of you may remember the nice location in Leiden 
from 2015.
In particular we had a grass area, sort of atrium.
I will bring with me 81 frisbees (40 in White, 41 in a surprise color)
for Frisbee Go as a human entertainment, and a net for the 9x9 board.


On Mon, Feb 22, 2016 at 4:42 PM, "Ingo Althöfer" <3-hirn-ver...@gmx.de> 
wrote:Dear John, Dear Nick, Dear all,

> > ...
> > Suppose I want to play on either of two adjacent points, and I don't care
> > which. If I aim for one of them, I will land on one of them with probability
> > (3p+1)/4, or whatever the formula says. I feel that I ought to be able to do
> > better by aiming midway between them.
> But then why stop there? You may also want to aim in between 4 points.
> Or perhaps just epsilon more toward the right of there.
> There's no accounting for all possibilities of real life frisbee Go,
> so we settle for the simplest rule that captures the esssence...

John is exactly argumenting in my direction.
Keep the rules set as simple as possible.

Once a stable Frisbee Go simulation scene is established, people
may build subscenes if they want. And of course, once Frisbee robot Go
will be played in real, programmers will look at all possible tricks.

Regards, Ingo.

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