Here is a tinyURL link to a panel discussion of things AlphaGo that included:

        • Oliver Roeder: Senior writer at FiveThirtyEight. All too human.
        • David Doshay: Archivist for the American Go Association, co-creator 
of SlugGo, a Go-playing computer program.
        • Matt Ginsberg: Businessman, astrophysicist, creator of a former 
computer bridge champion called GIB and an expert-level AI crossword puzzle 
solver called Dr. Fill. FiveThirtyEight wrote about Matt and his new basketball 
prediction technology in October.
        • Andy Okun: President of the American Go Association and a 1 dan Go 
player. He attended the match in Seoul.
        • Jonathan Schaeffer: Computer science professor at the University of 
Alberta and the man who solved checkers.
This conversation has been edited for length and clarity.

As with all editing, each of us might have done it differently … at one point I 
am going on about multi-cpu and multitasking without context because they 
edited out the comment I was responding to. But I am pleased with the article 
in total, particularly the headline they chose which I think will resonate with 
the people on this list.

David G Doshay

> On 21, Mar 2016, at 10:22 AM, Ingo Althöfer <> wrote:
> Helo,
> popular culture is growing around AlphaGo's win. Some pieces are
> nice: others are, let's say, "special":
> Here is the link to a nice Youtube video with an A capella hymnus 
> (31 seconds) on AlphaGo, performed on 9 GPU ;-)
> Ingo.
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