2017-01-04 21:07 GMT+01:00 David Ongaro <david.ong...@hamburg.de>:

> [...]So my question is: is it possible to have reverse Komi games by
> feeding the value network with reverse colors?

In the paper from Nature (subsection "Features for policy/value network"),
authors state:

*the stone colour at each intersection was represented as either player or
opponent rather than black or white. *

Then, I think the AlphaGo algorithm would be fine with a reverse komi.
Namely, a human player takes black and has 7.5 komi. The next step is that
AlphaGo gives 2 stones of handicap but keeps 7.5 komi (normally you have

Aja, can you confirm this?

> Also having 2 stone games is not so interesting since it would reveal less
> insights for even game opening Theory.

I agree with David here, most insights we would get from even games. But we
can imagine the following show. Some games are played with a reverse komi,
some games would be played with 2 stones (yet, white keeps 7.5 komi) and
eventually the main event with normal even games to debunk our myths on the
game. Wouldn't be super exciting!?

Best regards,
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