Jeff Wright
> F.U.D.-R.L.R.

> (Fear Uncertainty Doubt - Repeat Lather Rinse)

> Yes, everything MS touches turns to gold.  Their Internet
> strategy of owning it via MSN has paid off so handsomely
> for them.  No, wait.  It hasn't.  Maybe the Xbox line will
> turn a profit one day too.
> Golly, maybe Adobe will, you know, innovate in the face of
> competition.

Hmmmm, word processing (WP had, MS took it away), C++ compiler
(at least 2 or 3 competitors, MS took it away), Instant
Messaging (primarily AOL, hmmm, not so much anymore, it turns
out to have been over taken by cell phones after MS took it
over...), there was a contributor here a little while ago that
said that he was offered what amounted to change for his
dos command line history functionality, he refused and MS
announced that piece o'crap DOSKEY.  Yes, MS said that stealing
AOL IM was allowing MS to provide functionality that customers
wanted, but the reverse wasn't available, that is MS
intellectual property.  Bull cookies!

Take care  | This clown speaks for himself, his job doesn't
Wayne D.   | supply this, at least not directly
Death has been proven to be 99% fatal in laboratory rats!

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