>Windows' biggest problem is installing the default user as the admin.  Don't
>run as an admin and security problems vanish.  Now, if we can only get these
>idiot developers to stop coding their products to only run if the user is an

The problem is only partially "idiot developers." I would say a bigger 
problem is idiot 'softies:

1) pretending they have a mulit-user OS when they really don't.

This is demonstrated by your complaing of "too many steps." Windows does 
not need these steps because there is no real security there. It is like 
a kid's "computer" you buy for $10 at Toys-R-Us: lots of dials and 
buttons, but nothing inside the box.

2) not providing a proper API for developers

A good example is font management software because it has to heavily 
interact with the OS. Compare features in Suitcase for Mac with Suitcase 
for Windows. You can't argue that Extensis doesn't know what features are 
needed because they are in the Mac version of Suitcase. Yet the Windows 
version of Suitcase is bare bones. The reason is that the Windows API is 
severely deficient. Extensis can't get at the functions they need to 
program a decent product. On the Mac a regular user can run Suitcase -- 
not so on Windows. I use Extensis as an example because they are a leader 
in this category. If you test the other Windows font managers (as I have) 
you won't find these missing features there either. Font management under 
Windows is a decade behind the Mac's due to API defects. It is not just a 
problem with developers.

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