Took your advice and spent an hour with Compaq support. Compaq says
that the motherboard is locked and only supports the original AMD
Athlon 3500+ processor. They were unable to provide any documentation
for this, so I guess I have my answer unless someone knows something
different. Can a MB be "unlocked" or is it a permanent thing.

Thanks to all who weighed in on this.

Richard P.

On Sun, Jan 25, 2009 at 5:21 PM, Jeff Wright <> wrote:
> You most likely need a BIOS update.  If you haven't already, pull out the
> new CPU and install the original CPU.
> According to this page, this CPU might work, but maybe not.  That depends on
> the model of the CPU:
> HP/Compaq says it will support an X2 CPU:
> This page describes the BIOS update procedure:
> But, it directs you to a page for this model and no BIOS update is listed:
> Bets to contact Compaq support on this one.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> Both are AM2 sockets. Here's the MB link:
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