So why does HP/Compaq lock up the BIOS? In their computer line they
offer the same Asus motherboard set up two different ways. The Asus
A8M2N-LA (HP relabeled Naos-GL6 ) which is what I have, is locked to
only a single processor. The Asus A8M2N-LA (HP relabeled NodusM3-GL8E)
supports single or dual processors. Unless I'm missing something, they
are the exact same motherboard with different limitations imposed on
them. Just trying to figure this thing out although I will probably
take the advice to leave it alone unless I replace both CPU/MB.

Richard P.

On Sun, Jan 25, 2009 at 11:15 PM, Rev. Stewart Marshall
<> wrote:
> It is very possible they have locked the BIOS which on many modern
> Motherboards does the support work for CPU's.
> It is not worth the trouble, aggravation or possibly disabling the
> motherboard by fiddling with it to go any farther with it.
> The original advice you were offered by many still applies.  Get a new MB
> and memory to pair up with your processor and go for it.
> Stewart
> At 09:56 PM 1/25/2009, you wrote:
>> Took your advice and spent an hour with Compaq support. Compaq says
>> that the motherboard is locked and only supports the original AMD
>> Athlon 3500+ processor. They were unable to provide any documentation
>> for this, so I guess I have my answer unless someone knows something
>> different. Can a MB be "unlocked" or is it a permanent thing.
>> Thanks to all who weighed in on this.
>> Richard P.
> Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
> Prince of Peace
> Ozark, AL  SL 82
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