Stephen Warren wrote:
> It looks like there are some build issues in winhid.cpp. I'm working on 
> patching it up, and then will test.
> I'm not sure if I'll be able to test the libusb library on Windows (I 
> don't have it); I'll see if I can track that down to test that though.

Oh, I'm not worried about libusb on windows... given the nature of my
change, if it works in libusb, it works in libusb. I'd just like a valid
winhid test, and some other libusb (linux is fine) test just to validate my

Phil Dibowitz                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Open Source software and tech docs        Insanity Palace of Metallica         

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 Never do it in 'awk' if 'sed' can handle it;
 Never use 'sed' when 'tr' can do the job;
 Never invoke 'tr' when 'cat' is sufficient;
 Avoid using 'cat' whenever possible" -- Taylor's Laws of Programming

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