Le samedi 23 janvier 2010 à 05:27 -0400, Stephen LeFave a écrit :
> I have been having a tough time installing concordance. I have tried
> to configure (this goes pretty smoothly) both libconcord and
> concordance but keep getting error msg's throughout the who make
> install process. I have created a file with all the error msg's and
> have attached them to this email in the hopes that someone can tell me
> what I'm doing wrong. Any help would be appreciated. System info:


You should try to use the packages included in Ubuntu 9.10 already.

You can do that by finding concordance in synaptic or issuing the
'apt-get install concordance' command.

Unless there is a specific reason you would prefer not to use it?

As for your issues with make, I believe it is because you should build
libconcord first, from the directory of the same name.


/ Matt

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