So thanks to many people, a lot of progress has been made on this.

Look for specs for the communication protocol of these to be committed to
CVS in the coming days.

It's worth nothing the 89x series is not the same as the rest. These (and
possibly others), are actually a funky hybrid, afaict. While the later
models use TCP-over-USB and a different format for the actual payloads, it
seems the 89x uses HID (like older remotes), except with this new payload
format. The bright side is it shouldn't be too much trouble to start getting
at least basic support for these hybrid models. As for the later ones, I
believe we can do them if I can get my hands on one for less than the
exorbitant prices I've seen them for (I bought the bullet and purchased an
895 hoping it'd be the same as the rest, but as I mentioned, it's not).

Once the specs are committed, I'll split and update the relevant bugs.

Phil Dibowitz                   
Open Source software and tech docs        Insanity Palace of Metallica         

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter
 and those who matter don't mind."
 - Dr. Seuss

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