On 09/22/2010 01:30 AM, Phil Dibowitz wrote:
> Ah, right, I missed this.
> For the record you can still provide status bars - one per stage, the way
> concordance does. But its no problem to add this.

This has been added. Check the zwave branch.

It's a really dead-simple API - I call the callback with a
LC_CB_STAGE_NUM_STAGES (0xFF) and in that case, the second argument is
number of stages.

I thought of a few other ways, but they were either complicated or required
keeping things in sync manually, and neither appealed to me.

>> I don't know if this was intentional or not: The write_config_to_remote 
>> and write_firmware_to_remote functions used to take in/size parameters 
>> that specified the data to write. Hence, those functions were useful for 
>> both executing a website operations file, *and* for writing 
>> config/firmware previously backed up using read_config_from_remote or 
>> read_firmware_from_remote. That said, the old forms of these APIs also 
>> weren't suitable for operations on multiple regions.
> This was not intentional. I have to think about this.

Er, actually - this works fine. The OperationFile stuff can handle the files
we write out for backups... I just tried.

>> I don't see any way for "static class OperationFile *of" to be freed at 
>> a specific time (say an app wants to both update firmware and update 
>> configuration in one pass), and nor does deinit_concord free it.
> Good call, this needs to be added.


Phil Dibowitz                             p...@ipom.com
Open Source software and tech docs        Insanity Palace of Metallica
http://www.phildev.net/                   http://www.ipom.com/

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter
 and those who matter don't mind."
 - Dr. Seuss

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