With reference to your statement in relation to revenue, and hard times
in relation to cash, would Mandrake consider a user/developer investment
plan. I'd rather invest direct in Mandrake, than purchase a boxed set
where a considerable portion of the revenue goes to the box makers,
box shifters etc...

Guillaume Cottenceau wrote:

> SI Reasoning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> I liked the drag and drop interface for moving files
>> within eazel services. What if Mandrake picked it up
>> and allowed for such things as photo galleries, etc
>> like Yahoo. Maybe Mandrake can have a linux enhanced
>> web portal... with email , calendering, etc... that
>> sync's with netscape, outlook, and the gnome and kde
>> apps like calendering, etc. There is a strong need for
>> these things and it could be another potential revenue
>> for Mandrake.
> Currently we're looking for "actual" revenue rather than "potential"
> revenue since we're facing very hard times in terms of cash.

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