But LTSP is not very esay to use...don't you think that there could be the choice ? LTSP is not as simple to install as DrakTermServ, and concerning remote drives it is even worse...DrakTermServ is a really good tool, but that would be great to have such an option.
And do you really think that people uses command line apps on their TX ? I don't think so, most people just want to work remotly on a exported display, AND be able to use locals cdrom/floppy drives.
And LTSP does not do any chroot, why not doing it in drakTermServ ?

Buchan Milne a écrit:

Henri wrote:


Why is DraTermServ exporting the root dir of the server ?

So that you can run every single binary installed on the server on any of the clients, so you can use it for thick-clients also, without having to have multiple copies of everything as you do when using something like LTSP.

couldn't it be
a /var/drakTermServRoot or something like that, as it is done with ltsp
? That would be even greater if that was a chrooted service...
I don't really like the idea to export everything, and that does not
seem really useful.

Well, there is already LTSP, which works fine on Mandrake also. So, you have a choice. Use LTSP if you have really thin clients (Pentium or slower), or Mandrake's terminal-server if you have thicker (ie Pentium MMX or better) clients.


|--------------Another happy Mandrake Club member--------------|
Buchan Milne                Mechanical Engineer, Network Manager
Cellphone * Work            +27 82 472 2231 * +27 21 8828820x121
Stellenbosch Automotive Engineering         http://www.cae.co.za
GPG Key                   http://ranger.dnsalias.com/bgmilne.asc
1024D/60D204A7 2919 E232 5610 A038 87B1 72D6 AC92 BA50 60D2 04A7

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