Buchan Milne a écrit:

Henri wrote:

But LTSP is not very esay to use...don't you think that there could be
the choice ?

That's not Mandrake's problem.

What i mean is that drakTerm should give the choice : export all the root dir so that you are able to run everything locally n your TX OR using a small directory containing "only" the necessary to use a remote X session.
In your mind it seems that is "if you need the first solution, use drakTerm, and if you need the second, go to LTSP". What i suggest is to add the second solution to drakTerm because it is far easier to use a graphical tool creating configuring everything, and because that's really boring to set up local drives with LTSP.
i hope i'm clear...;)

LTSP is not as simple to install as DrakTermServ,

Show us the souce to the entire LTSP distro (one that can be built easily), and maybe something can be done. Last time I looked, you could only download binaries of the majority of their stuff.

I believe it is not true anymore. They changed their config file format and created a new LBE source package. take a look at http://www.LTSP.org/lbe-alpha-2.html.

and concerning remote drives it is even worse...DrakTermServ is a really good tool, but that would be great to have such an option. And do you really think that people uses command line apps on their TX ?


Mandrake Terminal server (AFAIK, haven't used it that much) runs
everything locally by default (I have not tried the thin-client part at
all), but you have a fully working setup with menus etc.

I don't think so, most people just want to work remotly on a exported
display, AND be able to use locals cdrom/floppy drives.


AFAIK access to local devices works?

And LTSP does not do any chroot, why not doing it in drakTermServ ?

? LTSP does chroot AFAIK, which is why you need two copies of everything you want to run locally.

No ! tftp/nfs are NOT chrooted : the dir which is exported is at /opt/ltsp, but it does not mean this is chrooted. What i would like is that the server can be used as a workstation, with an isolated server. Anyway that's not the bigger pb.
What i would really like is drakTerm to be a complete remote X solution : for the moment, it only provide one kind of the two ways to use remote thin stations.


|--------------Another happy Mandrake Club member--------------|
Buchan Milne                Mechanical Engineer, Network Manager
Cellphone * Work            +27 82 472 2231 * +27 21 8828820x121
Stellenbosch Automotive Engineering         http://www.cae.co.za
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