Danny Tholen wrote on Wed, Aug 28, 2002 at 12:47:47PM +0200 :
> > You can't decode MP3 without using the patented algorithm. MP3 is
> > essentially audio data compressed with a certain algorithm. The *only*
> ehm:
> 2*2=4         (Patented * algorithm)
> 2+2=4         (Free + algorithm!)
> ( a bit simplistic, but you get the idea).

Ah, but you're looking at it a little bit too simply.

x^3-x^2+y != x+y^2 but for one number (actually two).  The algorithm that
moves between the left domain and the right domain is what is patented
(ie from a pure wav file to a compressed mp3 file).  The interesting
part about this algorithm is that it is reversible as well (but with
some loss in quality).  This is directly opposite to things like an MD5
hash or a DES3 hash, which is a one way encryption.  The fact that the
MP3 algorithm is two way is a big deal and took a lot of research and
money to come up with.  They are just trying to make their money back.

Now, having said that, I think software patents should be illegal
because the patent system was intended to protect a tangible product,
not an algorithm.  The current patent law was designed when the
development time thru production to actual market was in years.  Now
that it is in months (or shorter), it penalizes business to have
competitors and rewards shoddy workmanship just because it was first.

Blue skies...                   Todd
  Todd Lyons -- MandrakeSoft, Inc.   http://www.mandrakesoft.com/
UNIX was not designed to stop you from doing stupid things, because 
  that would also stop you from doing clever things. -- Doug Gwyn
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