That's great. In the short term, highly unofficial/unauthorized/ zeroth-order coot and dependencies for i386 linux:


< >

rpms (made via alien from above):

< >

These include mmdb, ssm, gpp4, fftw (in the form required for clipper and coot), clipper, coot, which will install into /usr/local/xtal

and then the various guile-type dependencies, which will install into / usr

On Nov 15, 2008, at 6:15 PM, Paul Emsley wrote:

FYI, IIUC, Morten Kjeldgaard has become a MOTU and is working on crystallographic libs for Ubuntu, e.g.:

When he gets round to Coot I'm keen to help make his life easier.



Mark Brooks wrote:
It may be useful to have a 'contrib' section for the Coot binary download web page (or even some unofficial web page), so that we have more options of binaries to test. For example, upon upgrading to Ubuntu Hardy Heron, Coot stopped working, for reasons beyond my understanding, but worked when recompiled. (Which was very easy using the build-it-gtk2-simple script BTW). To have a central repository of tested binaries could be very handy, to avoid having to do this. The Coot developers and yourself (Bill) have done an enormous amount to furnish us with working, tested programs, but perhaps one or two more updated binaries contributed by users would be useful, especially for newer releases of the myriad Linux flavours. I think for the Coot developers to start providing .deb, .rpm and Gentoo packages for every update is too onerous, especially when .tar.gz files work OK. Just my opinion. Which Ubuntu are you on Bill, and which binary are you using? Are these on your debian web site? I guess I may be able to give a Hardy Heron binary if need be.
Thanks for your .debs though, I use them all the time.
2008/11/12 William G. Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] >>
   Since Ubuntu has gotten to be popular (for good reason, IMO), it
   might be useful to have an official (or at least semi-official)
   debian package whose installation would guarantee all the
   dependencies also get installed.  I've tried to do it in a
half-arsed sort of way, but lately have dropped the ball (sorry). On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 1:03 AM, Kevin Cowtan
   <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
       Firstly, do you need to build coot at all? There are binary
       packages which work just fine on Gutsy. You can install them
       wherever you want on your system, and they should just work.
Secondly, if for some reason you do want to build your own (you
       want to make changes to the code???), then are you using the
       build-it-gtk2-simple script?
       Building coot without this script requires days or weeks of
messing around with dependencies. With this script it is usually
       pretty easy.
       Rimi wrote:
           Hi all,
I am new to coot. Recently I tried to install coot
           in my ubuntu
           gutsy. But it can not find mmdb library somehow. Below is
           the message
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   William G. Scott
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Institut de Biochmie et de Biophysique Moleculaire et Cellulaire
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