Dear all,

We have encountered some problems when using the carbohydrate module in

When I centre on an Asn which has NAG density, invoke the Carbohydrate
module and select "Add ASN-NAG NAG", Coot crashes and dumps the core. The
error message displayed in the terminal is as follows:

INFO:: recentre: clicked on imol: 0
Elapsed time for map contouring: 31ms
INFO:: using standard CCP4 Refmac dictionary to search for "NAG"
There are 2 data in /home/public/packages/ccp4-6.
reading /home/public/packages/ccp4-6.5/share/coot/link-by-torsion-
reading /home/public/packages/ccp4-6.5/share/coot/
INFO:: backup file coot-backup/_home_dave_XXXX_in_house_Morph_Refine_
INFO:: backup file coot-backup/_home_dave_XXXX_in_house_Morph_Refine_
*** glibc detected *** /home/public/packages/ccp4-6.5/libexec/coot-bin:
corrupted double-linked list: 0x0000000005036570 ***
======= Backtrace: =========
======= Memory map: ========
((Omitted for brevity))

I assume that "*** glibc detected ***
corrupted double-linked list: 0x0000000005036570 ***" is the problem, but I
am unsure how best to address this.

We are running the version of coot 0.8 supplied with the ccp4-6.5 release.

This issue can be replicated with different pdbs and mtzs loaded.

We are running coot in RHEL 6.3, with Kernel  2.6.32-279.14.1.el6.x86_64 .
However - this issue does not present for us when using the same version of
coot on OSX.

Can anybody suggest a fix?



[image: David Briggs on]

David Briggs

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