On 09/03/2017 22:49, Cara Vaughan wrote:
Dear Coot’ers

I have recently been using coot very successfully to build into a map, however 
it has just
started crashing every time I click on baton build. Skeletonisation works fine, 
as do other
modelling tools in the same menu. I tried starting the session in different 
ways, eg. from
scratch rather than from a saved state, but I get the same problem. I also 
tried centring on
different parts of the model before clicking baton building, but always the 
same crash.

Is it a coincidence that I just upgraded to ccp4i v7?  I’m launching coot from 
the terminal
window, not from within ccp4i… and I’m using coot v 0.8.7

Hello Cara,

I believe that the problem that you are experiencing has been fixed already.

It is not clear from your message from where you get your coot, but I am pretty sure that the latest CCP4 update and the latest Bill Scott 0.8.8-pre pre-release has the fix that you need.



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