On 01/12/2013 18:29, Nick Williams wrote:
I filed these bugs back in June. I noticed today that they were migrated to the 
JIRA instance:


I filed the bugs, though they say someone else did.
"Webbug Group" is just a placeholder for incidents that are submitted via the legacy bugs.sun.com site and forwarded to JDK JIRA.


8016742 is a slightly different story. It's higher priority than 8016743, and although 
there is absolutely no update about it, it appears that MAYBE it's scheduled for being 
fixed in Java 8? I have no idea what "tbd_major" means.
As I said in June, JAXB is maintained in an upstream project. I believe it is tied to a standalone JSR and that updates are more likely to align with EE updates rather than JDK releases. I assume one of the mailing lists listed on the jaxb.java.net project is the place to follow on this request (Martin or Miroslav can point to the right place if there is somewhere else).


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