On Fri, 1 Sep 2023 06:12:57 GMT, Alan Bateman <al...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> > Alan, you mentioned that DualPivotQuicksort will need detailed review. Can 
> > we go ahead and start reviewing? Laurent checked performance, JMH results 
> > look fine.
> As before, I think the main question with this change is whether adding radix 
> sort to the mix is worth the complexity and additional code to maintain. Also 
> as we discussed in the previous PR, the additional memory needed for the 
> radix sort may have an effect on other things that are going on concurrently. 
> I know it has been updated to handle OOME but I think potential reviewers 
> would need to be comfortable with that part.

I too share concerns about the potential increased use of memory for sorting 
ints/longs/floats/doubles. With modern SIMD hardware and data parallel 
techniques we can apply quicksort much more efficiently. I think it is 
important to determine to what extent this reduces the need for radix sort. To 
determine that we would need to carefully measure against the AVX-512 
implementation (with ongoing improvements) with appropriately initialized data 
to sort, and further measure against an AVX2 version.


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/13568#issuecomment-1721811993

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