Weird. I use eclipse, but that's never happened to me. When you set up your JobConfs, for example:
JobConf conf2 = new JobConf(getConf(),MyClass.class)
is your "MyClass" in the same package as your driver program? also, do you run from eclipse or from the command line (i've never tried to launch a hadoop task from eclipse). if you run from the command line:

hadoop jar MyMRTaskWrapper.jar myEntryClass option1 option2...

and all of the requisite resources are in MyMRTaskWrapper.jar, i don't see what the problem would be. if this is the way you run a hadoop task, are you sure that all of the resources are getting compiled into the same jar? when you export a jar from eclipse, it won't pack up external resources by default. (look into addons like FatJAR for that).

On Jul 14, 2008, at 2:25 PM, Sean Arietta wrote:

Well that's what I need to do also... but Hadoop complains to me when I attempt to do that. Are you using Eclipse by any chance to develop? The error I'm getting seems to be stemming from the fact that Hadoop thinks I am uploading a new jar for EVERY execution of JobClient.runJob() so it fails indicating the job jar file doesn't exist. Did you have to turn something on/off to get it to ignore that or are you using a different IDE? Thanks!


Mori Bellamy wrote:

hey sean,

i later learned that the method i originally posted (configuring
different JobConfs and then running them, blocking style, with
JobClient.runJob(conf)) was sufficient for my needs. the reason it was failing before was somehow my fault and the bugs somehow got fixed x_X.

Lukas gave me a helpful reply pointing me to (in
the hadoop source directory). it seems like this would be helpful if
your job dependencies are complex. but for me, i just need to do one
job after another (and every job only depends on the one right before
it), so the code i originally posted works fine.
On Jul 14, 2008, at 1:38 PM, Sean Arietta wrote:

Could you please provide some small code snippets elaborating on how
implemented that? I have a similar need as the author of this thread
and I
would appreciate any help. Thanks!


Joman Chu-2 wrote:

Hi, I use for multiple MapReduce jobs. It seems to
well. I've run sequences involving hundreds of MapReduce jobs in a
loop and it hasn't died on me yet.

On Wed, July 9, 2008 4:28 pm, Mori Bellamy said:
Hey all, I'm trying to chain multiple mapreduce jobs together to
accomplish a complex task. I believe that the way to do it is as

JobConf conf = new JobConf(getConf(), MyClass.class); //configure
set mappers, reducers, etc

//new job JobConf conf2 = new JobConf(getConf(),MyClass.class)
SequenceFileInputFormat.setInputPath(conf,myPath1); //more
configuration... JobClient.runJob(conf2)

Is this the canonical way to chain jobs? I'm having some trouble
method -- for especially long jobs, the latter MR tasks sometimes
do not
start up.

Joman Chu

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